Ensure that all the statutory duties including the services are delivered in accordance with the ever changing expectations of both the authorities and the local community.
Mission and Value Statement
Our Mission
Our Vision
To be a local authority achieving excellence in whatever it undertakes whilst being a close partner to all stakeholders.
Our Values
Our corporate culture stands on values which places the citizens at the center of our endeavors. Those values are as follows:
- Excellence: – We will do our best within our financial means and with the human resources available to achieve excellence in our service delivery.
- Efficiency: – We will strive to optimize our resources so that they are used in an efficient manner to accomplish our statutory duties.
- Integrity: – We will act with integrity in all our dealings with our stakeholders and the public in general.
- Courtesy: – We will act with courtesy in our relationships with the citizens, our employees, our suppliers and other stakeholders.
- Teamwork: – We work as a team and believe that the citizens are part of the network.
- Quality & Innovation: – We will never stop ever- improving the quality of our services and endeavor to innovate so that the citizens are delighted with them.